Director of Professional Learning
& Education Coach
As a math teacher, I believed in empowering my students with the skills and tools necessary to be able to successfully solve problems. I also believed that those individuals must develop the confidence to use those tools appropriately and effectively. As a former regional manager for a local educator association, it amazed me that educators didn’t know their rights. If they did, they often lacked the communication skills necessary to articulate their concern before it blew up into a full-blown professional fiasco.
Simon Sinek (2013) suggested that an organization’s leadership needs to start with “why.” He goes on to say that we should act, think, and communicate from the INSIDE out!
Know your WHY!
Know your purpose.​
What is your motivation? What do you believe?
Plan your HOW!
Know your process.​
Identify specific actions to achieve your "why."
Know your WHAT!
Know what you do.​
Your WHAT is the proof of your why.
Our Why...
Start With Why - Simon Sinek TED talk. (2013, September 29). Retrieved March, 2021, from
Influencing Change
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead
Margaret Mead’s quote above is one of my favorites, and I often reference it when speaking to leaders making difficult decisions. The quote reminds me that a majority is not necessary to begin to initiate change. It implies that small, committed groups can affect lasting world change. For example, Jesus and his Disciples’ impact on religion, Mahatma Gandhi’s commitment to nonviolent resistance, Martin Luther King & the SCLC’s crusade for Civil Rights, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s (MADD) advocacy stricter drunk driving laws and penalties. These individuals and groups may not have intended to leave an indelible mark upon the world’s history, but they have changed the hearts of many through their influence.
Transformation is essential to the success and longevity of organizations and businesses. After reading the book Influencer, I’ve learned the heart is the birthplace of change. However, that isn’t enough. The book suggests that we are influencers, and there are three steps to effect lasting change. These steps are:
Clarify Measurable Results,
Find Vital Behaviors, and
Use the Six Sources of Influence.
Just as in lesson planning, you’ll start with your goal or objective and work backward.
Changing behaviors takes time, commitment, and accountability. The core members of my accountability and planning team are:
The Communication Director
The Social Media Manager
The Professional Learning Director
The Senior Attorney or Appointee
The Deputy Executive Director
I propose the following steps: