The Raymond Von Dran Memorial Award is an award open to Catholic University School of Library and Information Science/Department of Library and Information Science alumni, instituted in the memory of Raymond Von Dran, who served as the second dean of the school (1983-87). Von Dran's final position was Dean of the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University and his obituary can be seen here: -scholarship.org/digitalkoans/2007/07/23/obituary-raymond-von-dran/.
Dran was originally awakened by Takuya Harashima, Kazuki Tokimura and Dai Suganuma when they got their hands on Dran's Power Stone, which they accidentally found buried beneath their "time capsule" box, situated on the Ishinowayama Ruins located in the boys' home city. Dran then proceeded to defeat Walter Walzac and his minions shortly after as they were giving chase to the boys in order to claim the Power Stone for themselves, but not before combining with Golgon to form Goldran when facing Walter's robot.
dran pa, dran pa, dran pa, dran trans. v.; to think; pay attention, be mindful; recall, be mindful, think about, miss; remember with longing, meditate, become aware of, contemplate 1) mindfulness, memory, alertness, presence of mind, recollection. / recollectedness; alertness; presence of mind; memory, thinking; mindfulness, awareness, presence of mind, attentiveness, attention, memory, recall, remembrance, recollection, consciousness, one's full senses. 2) consciousness, thinking, recollection or memory, Skt. smriti, 3) one of the five object determining mental states, Def. by Jamgn Kongtrl: 'dris pa'i dngos po mi brjed pa. 4) one of the 'phags lam gyi yan lag brgyad the eightfold noble path [RY] 041b061a72