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Fedor Kazakov
Fedor Kazakov

Airbnbs New Ecofriendly Plan: Make Nice With Cities __FULL__

In the District of Columbia, Airbnb has worked out a deal where it is collecting local hotel taxes on the short-term homeowner rentals that it is arranging. The move comes as municipalities in North Carolina and other states continue to grapple with regulation of Airbnb and similar web-based companies that allow homeowners to turn their homes or rooms in their homes into temporary or makeshift hotels. The Washington Post's Wonkblog reports that the deal will mean the taxes are remitted straight to the district's coffers and could mean millions in additional revenue for cities that are reaching similar agreements. The service, though, is still generating plenty of questions about whether it potentially undermines zoning requirements and could damage property values in residential neighborhoods. Read more about Airbnb and its arrangement in D.C. here.

Airbnb’s New Ecofriendly Plan: Make Nice With Cities


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