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Fedor Kazakov
Fedor Kazakov

Core Java: An Integrated Approach - A Practical and Easy Way to Learn Java Programming

# Core Java Black Book Nageshwar Rao Pdf Free Download ## Introduction - What is Core Java Black Book by Nageshwar Rao? - Why is it a useful resource for learning Java programming? - How can you download it for free? ## Chapter 1: All about Networks - What are networks and how do they work? - What are the benefits and challenges of network programming in Java? - How to use sockets, URL, URLConnection, and InetAddress classes? ## Chapter 2: Introduction to Java - What are the features and advantages of Java as a programming language? - How to install and configure Java on your system? - How to write, compile, and run your first Java program? ## Chapter 3: First Step Towards Java Programming - What are the basic elements and syntax of Java? - How to use comments, identifiers, keywords, literals, and operators? - How to format the output using System.out.println() and printf() methods? ## Chapter 4: Naming Conventions and Data Types - What are the naming conventions for variables, constants, methods, and classes in Java? - What are the different data types and their ranges in Java? - How to declare, initialize, and use variables and constants? ## Chapter 5: Operators in Java - What are the different types of operators in Java and how to use them? - What are the precedence and associativity rules for operators in Java? - How to use arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, assignment, and ternary operators? ## Chapter 6: Control Statements in Java - What are the different types of control statements in Java and how to use them? - How to use if, if-else, if-else-if, switch-case, for, while, do-while, break, continue, and return statements? - How to write nested and labeled loops and switch statements? ## Chapter 7: Input and Output - How to read input from the keyboard using Scanner class? - How to read input from a file using FileInputStream class? - How to write output to the console using System.out class? - How to write output to a file using FileOutputStream class? ## Chapter 8: Arrays - What are arrays and how to declare, initialize, and use them in Java? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of arrays in Java? - How to use arrayname.length property and Arrays class methods? ## Chapter 9: Strings - What are strings and how to create and manipulate them in Java? - What are the differences between String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder classes? - How to use String class methods and operators? ## Chapter 10: Introduction to OOPs - What is object-oriented programming (OOP) and what are its benefits? - What are the basic concepts of OOP such as class, object, method, constructor, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and encapsulation? - How to apply OOP principles in Java programming? ## Chapter 11: Classes and Objects - How to define a class and create an object in Java? - How to use access specifiers (public, private, protected) and modifiers (static, final) in Java? - How to use methods (instance methods, static methods) and constructors (default constructor, parameterized constructor) in Java? ## Chapter 12: Relationship Between Objects - What are the different types of relationships between objects such as association, aggregation, composition, inheritance, and dependency? - How to implement these relationships in Java using references, arrays, collections, superclass-subclass, and interface-implementer? ## Chapter 13: Inner Class - What is an inner class and what are its advantages and disadvantages? - What are the different types of inner classes such as static inner class, non-static inner class, local inner class, and anonymous inner class? - How to define and access an inner class in Java? ## Chapter 14: Inheritance - What is inheritance and what are its benefits and limitations? - What are the different types of inheritance such as single inheritance, multilevel inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, multiple inheritance, and hybrid inheritance? - How to implement inheritance in Java using extends keyword? ## Chapter 15: Polymorphism - What is polymorphism and what are its benefits and types? - What are the different types of polymorphism such as compile-time polymorphism (overloading) and run-time polymorphism (overriding)? - How to implement polymorphism in Java using methods, constructors, and operators? ## Conclusion - Summarize the main points of the article - Provide some tips and resources for further learning - Encourage the reader to download and read the book ## FAQs - What are some of the sample interview questions that are covered in the book? - How to download the book for free? - What are the prerequisites for reading the book? - How to contact the author of the book? - What are some of the other books by the same author?

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