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Implementing Change Using 4DX

"Vision without EXECUTION is a delusion." 

Thomas Edison


"The essence of planning is EXECUTION."

— Farshad Asl

These two quotes stress the importance of execution. Yes, we have a vision. Yes, we have a plan. We've even identified our sources of influence to assist in creating sustainable change. Now, we need and must develop a stratagem of execution. The 4 Disciplines of Execution, by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling, suggests four actions, when properly practiced, allow for complete and successful planned results. The four disciplines are:


  1. The Discipline of Focus: Focus on the Wildly Important Goal (WIG)

  2. The Discipline of Leverage: Act on the Lead Measures

  3. The Discipline of Engagement: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard

  4. The Discipline of Accountability: Create a Cadence of Accountability


However, before we concentrate on the 4DX model, we must address the reasons that execution plans fail.




The Whirlwind


4DX states that the "whirlwind" is the existing daily work or urgent daily tasks that tend to distract and sap us of our time, energy, and focus. Unfortunately, unlike the picture, the "whirlwind" doesn't announce itself.  Therefore, we must be aware it exists, recognize it, and adjust. Another reason for execution failure is that people lack

clarity, commitment, and accountability to deliver the new strategic goals. 



The 4DX Strategy


Scoreboard Example

5 Stages of 4DX Behavior Changes

As we progress through the 4DX model, we hope to see the five stages of changing human behavior. These stages are:


  1. Getting Clear - Identifying the WIG and adjust to the 4DX model.

  2. Launch - High energy, kick-off to propel the team to action and incite commitment to the WIG.

  3. Adoption - As team members adopt new behaviors, resistance dissipates, and excitement increases.

  4. Optimization - Team members enthusiastically optimize each moment, becoming more engaged and strategic.

  5. Habits - When the behaviors become a purposeful habit, success is achieved!

4DX and Six Source of Influence

The Six Sources of Influence helped me identify influencers to increase my team to five. This act alone has increased our creativity and productivity through regular collaborative meetings. The number one overlapping concept of goal clarity makes pairing the 6SI and the 4DX model beneficial in leading organizational change.



Grenny, J., & Patterson, K. (2013). Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change. McGraw-Hill Professional.


McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2016). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. Free Press.

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